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Version: 7.0.1

Create Manifest files


Manifest files are mandatory for all datasets. To learn more about this metadata file please refer to our corresponding "How to" page.

This section will allow you to generate manifest files for your pre-existing datasets stored locally and on Pennsieve.


If you do not have pre-existing datasets SODA allows you to create a new dataset and generate manifest files at the same time. Instructions are provided here.

How to

To access this interface click on the Free Form Mode side bar option, then click on the Prepare Metadata tab, and finally click on the Create manifest.xlsx card.

  1. You can start by either choosing to generate a manifest file for a pre-existing dataset stored on your local computer or on Pennsieve.

  2. Select where the manifest files will be generated.

    • For local datasets user the Browse here input to point SODA to your dataset's location.
    • For Pennsieve datasets use the dropdown to select which Pennsieve dataset you would like to create Manifest files for.
  3. (Optional) You can edit SODA-generated manifest files by clicking on Yes, let's edit the manifest files. If you do not wish to do so, simply click No, generate now to start generating the manifest files.

    • When editing manifest files you may edit the Description or Additional Metadata columns in your dataset's manifest files before generating them to the desired destination.
    • When editing manifest files you can also add or remove custom columns using the Context Menu. To do this select a column header and then right click on it to activate the Context Menu.
  4. After you finish editing the manifest files at Step 3, click Generate now.


When you are in the manifest file's editing interface, click on the arrow symbol next to a folder to expand it.

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