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Version: 8.0.1

Submit for pre publishing review


One year after the dataset completion date (as per the Data Deliverables document), or right after publishing results from the dataset, whichever comes first, you must publish your dataset to Pennsieve Discover, which populates the SPARC Data Portal, and make it public.

As per the SPARC publishing process, when ready for publishing, you must submit your dataset for review again to the Curation Team who will make a final check of your dataset and accept or reject the publication request. If accepted, the dataset will be published automatically on Pennsieve Discover by default.Otherwise, the Curation Team will inform you of the reasons for rejecting. While the dataset is under review it will become locked until the submission is withdrawn, rejected, or approved.

When publishing a dataset you may choose to do so under an embargo that lifts at a selected time up to one year in advance. While a published dataset is under embargo, it is not visible to the public. Publishing under embargo can be useful for researchers who want to provide easy access to collaborators without making their dataset public; or to researchers who have intellectual property concerns.

How to submit a dataset for pre-publishing review

  • Select/confirm your Pennsieve account and dataset. If you have not connected your Pennsieve account with SODA yet, use the instructions available here.
  • Click on Begin Submission. Only dataset owners can begin a submission.
  • Complete all of the pre-publishing checklist items. Completed items will be marked with a green check. Incomplete items will be marked with a red cross:
    • Click on any incomplete item text to be taken to the section of SODA where you can complete that item.
    • To connect your ORCID iD to Pennsieve you will be guided through the ORCID OAuth flow within a new SODA window.
  • Click Continue
  • Optionally exclude any of your dataset's top level metadata files from publishing by clicking the checkbox next to the files you want excluded.
  • Click the Submit button once all checklist items are complete.
    • Select an embargo date or choose to make your dataset available to the public immediately after publication. As per SPARC guidelines, you may select an embargo date up to one year in advance.

How to withdraw a dataset from pre-publishing review

  • Confirm your Pennsieve account and select a dataset that you have submitted for pre-publishing review. If you have not connected your Pennsieve account with SODA yet, use the instructions available here.
  • Click on "Begin Submission". Only dataset owners can withdraw a dataset.
  • Click the "Withdraw" button.

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