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Version: 8.0.1

How to get access to the SPARC Airtable spreadsheet


The SPARC program maintains a spreadsheet on the Airtable platform with contact information about the SPARC consortium members. SPARC members are encouraged to check and frequently update information about them and their team members, which is used in the SPARC program for sending notifications and organizing initiatives. SODA also makes use of that information for helping you prepare your metadata files. The SPARC Airtable spreadsheet can be accessed here. Only authorized members can gain access. We explain here how to get access to the SPARC Airtable spreadsheet.

How to

  1. Create an Airtable account.
  2. Fill out and submit the form available here.
  3. Once approved, access the SPARC Airtable spreadsheet here.

If you have any issues, reach out to the Pennsieve team at

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